Benefits of Observing Japanese Green Tea Leaves After Each Infusion

Take a look at both the details and overall picture of this comparison.

When brewing Japanese green tea, take a moment to observe the tea leaves after each infusion!

As you brew 1st, 2nd, and 3rd infusions, the leaves gradually open up, helping you decide how many more good brews you can enjoy.

🌿 After the 1st infusion: The leaves are still tightly rolled. At this stage, you can usually brew at least one or two more delicious cups! Stopping now would be a waste—there’s still plenty of flavor left.

🌿 After the 2nd infusion: The leaves have started to loosen up, with some still not fully opened while others have opened up. You can still make another infusion.

🌿 After the 3rd infusion: The leaves are fully expanded. At this point, it’s hard to extract more of flavorful cup, so it’s best not to serve it to guests. ( I personally serve only 1st and 2nd to my guests with standard Japanese green tea except special case)

However, even at this stage, the tea leaves still release catechins with high temperature water, which have great health benefits! Instead of just drinking plain water, you can still take a light tea with some beneficial compounds.

💡Tip: If you want to maximize your tea leaves, boil water to extract the catechins after 3rd infusion, then dilute (add water to cool down) it for gargling! Catechins have antibacterial properties, making this a great winter remedy. (even after adding water to cool down)

Tea leaves go through a long process – from taking care of the leaves in the garden to processing them in the factory. Let’s use them 100% and enjoy every drop! 🍃😊

The speed of tea leaves open up depends on factors such as steaming time, rolling process, leaf shape and size, and the part of the leaf used etc..The photo shown here is a one of the example.

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