Koie Hiroshi (Reiko) Red Rim Black Kyusu Teapot Drizzle Rain 玲光 夜深霧雨

This is red clay teapot and it is smoked to black. At first firing, red clay teapot is made. Then at second firing (fired in oxygen-reduction atmosphere), red color change to black.
Surface of outer and inner of the teapot is black. You see red color on the rim of the openings and the handle – That is original color.
After smoking process, Reiko made the rim trim/shave to show the red of the inside.
Smoked black on over red clay is soft, deep, feel layers and attractive. It more ”absorb light” than “reflect light”. It has nice glow.
This teapot is “unglazed” , you can get benefit of the clay for taste of tea. Cup has glazing inside, it makes it possible to see color of tea in the cups. (High quality Tokoname cup with innner glazing is not often seen)
Shiha Teapot Shop