Reiko Red Clay Smoked Back Green Senchado Japanese Tea Cup Set (Wood Box)

Reiko Red Clay smoked back Green Senchado Japanese Tea Cup set 6 pcs, Tokoname Japan 鯉江廣 朱绿泥熏黑内釉杯
Handmade elegant moss green tea cups. Small 6 cups, good to use for high grade sencha and Gyokuro. Enjoy small amount of tea deeply at a time.
Shape is elegant and proper for Japanese senchado, too.
They are made of red clay, covered with green clay, the lower half of the cups were smoked in black.
You see the color of lines, upper part is red, lower is black in good gradation.
The lines are free like plant in nature – that is giving light and natural impression. It reflects spirits of Japanese Senchado – Feel free and relax, like you are in nature.
Inside of the cups are glazed in white. This is to enjoy color of tea. To appreciate the color of tea liquid is one of the pleasures of tea time.
These cups are made of Tokoname red clay with white glazing – You can feel clay’s natural texture in your hand. This kind of inside glazing clay cups are not seen so much nowadays, especially in high grade cups.
The artist Reiko is from Tokoname, where produce red clay, and Reiko’s red clay is so delicate and smooth.
He is well versed in Senchado Tea Ceremony. Senchado is, simply summarize, is a traditional tea party in tea club that guest enjoy taste/beauty of tea, tea ware with seasonal environment such as flower in room, Zen words kakejiku calligraphy, sweets, aroma of incense, communication with hosts and guests … Tea ware used in tea ceremony should be elegant, traditional and exquisite.
Good tea in good cup and it is your hand, it can be pleasant moment of tea time.
Reiko is a teapot artist and style of his works are elegant and traditional and he produce Senchado tea ware often. Please feel it in your hand.