Teapot Lid Holder Mishima Stamp Art (Futaoki) 三島印花蓋置

SHIHA TEAPOT SHOP Online Store: https://shihateapot.com
Teapot Lid Holder with Mishima Stamp art.
Full of flowers on the body with soft purple pink.
This type of holder is used for Chagama lid in Chadao Tea ceremony in Japan.
This is artistic lid holder which you can place on your tea table and enjoy.
Having beautiful lid holder on your tea table is nice to see and feel.
When you brew tea, it is good to have fixed place for lid, also good from hygiene point of view.
☆ Discount if order/ship with a teapot:
Coupon code: 8RSNMJ09W6FQ (1400JPY)