Woow woow woow! Japan Suzu Black Pottery & Jinshu Teapot (From Switzerland)甚秋& 篠原敬

SHIHA TEAPOT SHOP Online Store: https://shihateapot.com
[SUZU SHINOHARA TAKASHI Wood Fired Pitcher Gong Dao Bei 篠原敬 ]
[JINSHU Flat Gradation Tokoname Kyusu Teapot Large]
(Message from Customer)
The package arrived yesterday!
Woow woow woow!
What great products, I’m speechless!
The Jinshu Kyusu is exactly what I wanted in terms of size and appearance.
The “gong da bei” from Suzu is a work of art, there is no other way to describe it.
I just tried the “Chayou’s Irika green tea”.
I’m amazed at such a complex taste between roasted and fresh it makes me addicted. Thank you for recommending this wonderful tea.
Note: Pitcher for Tea is called Gong Dao Bei (公道杯) in Chinese Tea Culture. Japanese Tea Culture doesn’t use pitcher customary. But recent years we use pitcher and call it Kou Dou Hai /Gong Dao Bei (公道杯) |
Jinshu Page