古董初代 松下喜山錫茶葉罐 Matsushita Kizan the 1st Vintage Tin Tea leaf canister

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初代松下喜山錫茶葉罐, 煎茶道用的老锡罐。菊竹纹。日本传统工艺品。 设计为煎茶道用使用的茶叶罐。优雅,高贵。煎茶道茶会,搭配锡茶叶罐很常见。 锡茶叶罐密封性高。保持茶叶新鲜。里面的茶叶不易受到气温的影响。
Matsushita Kizan the 1st Japanese Vintage Senchado Tin Tea leaf canister Bamboo, Japanese art craft, This tea canister as made for Senchado Tea ceremony. Elegant and noble impression. In Senchado Ceremony it is tradition to use tin canister, often seen in the ceremonies. Tin canister is high sealability, it is good to keep tea leaves fresh. Leaves inside of tin canister doesn’t affected by temperature outside so much.