SHIRAIWA TAISUKE Wood-fired Kyusu Teapot 白岩大佑 急須

Perfect harmony – gives you so much joy.
Attractive shape, color, texture of wood-fire.
Lines run on the body, handle, lid, spout are thick and thin. Whole teapot are covered with the lines – they are under beautiful gradation blue color and natural glazing. You see layers on the surface of the teapot like water of a lake.
Varieties of the color blue is so many. Lightness, Brightness, hue… You can find so many kind of blues on the teapots. And it changes depends on the light it receives.
You see deep layers on surface of the body. So much tasteful in color, texture, shape and lines. It has delicate glow, gives you impression of deepness. This teapot has both Yin (inner quietness) and Yang (outer energy)
Wood-fired. Beautiful Yellowish/Light Brow natural glazing on the blue.
Very thin body – made with the artist’s high technique.
Smooth water flow and smooth stopping of water flow.
Teapot artist: SHIRAIWA TAISUKE , born 1985.