Position / Direction of a Hole on Lid of Japanese Kyusu Teapot

Contents 目次
- 現代の急須の穴の位置(常滑焼)Hole Position of Modern Tokoname Kyusu
- 現代の急須の穴の位置(万古焼)Hole Position of Modern Banko Kyusu
- 40-50年前の急須の穴の位置(常滑焼)Hole Position of Old Tokoname Kyusu(40-50 years ago)
- 常滑焼作家さんの説明 Explanation by an Tokoname Teapot Master
- 急須の穴の位置は時代を反映Change of Lifestyle, Change of Hole Position
- 現代の急須の穴の位置(備前焼)Hole Position of Modern Bizen Kyusu
- 急須の穴の位置を変えて実験 Experiment: Water Flow and Direction of Lid Hole
- 急須の穴の位置のその他の効果Effect of Right Putting Lid Hole in Right Direction
Hole Position of Modern Tokoname Kyusu
A hole on lid of modern typical Japanese Teapot (Tokoname teapot) is facing to the spout.

If a teapot has picture on it, when you put the hole on lid in the direction of the spout, the picture on the lid and the body matches.
Teapot without picture on it also placing a hole on the spout side.

現在、当店 志葉急須店 (SHIHA TEAPOT SHOP )で取り扱っている常滑の急須は、全て注ぎ口側に穴があります。
The Tokoname teapots at Shiha Tea & Comfort all have holes on the spout side.

Hole Position of Modern Banko Kyusu
Banko teapots are the same.

Hole Position of Old Tokoname Kyusu(40-50 years ago)
40~50年前: 注ぎ口の反対側
現在: 注ぎ口側

40 to 50 years ago, a hole on lid of Tokoname teapot was on the other side(180 degrees) , that is in the opposite position of the spout. The position of holes have been changed with the times – Tokoname teapot artists reflect the values(needs) of the times. The needs of the times changes like: quick brewing, then, easy operation (convenience of brewing) then, slow brewing for taste. A Tokoname Teapot related person over 40 years of experience told me this story.
Change of lid hole position
40 ~ 50 years ago: opposite side of spout
20~ 25 years ago: handle side
Today: spout side

Explanation by an Tokoname Teapot Master
I heard a story from a Tokoname teapot artist who has been making tea pots for over 40 years.
“About 40 years ago (1970-1980), a hole was made(placed) on the other side of the spout so that tea come out quickly – it was needs of the times. In the later years, hole was in the direction of handle. In this way, you can place your finger on the hole and adjust tea flow or you can stop tea coming out. Nowaday, people want to brew tea slowly and carefully so we put a hole in spout side”

Change of Lifestyle, Change of Hole Position

It was a very interesting to know that change of position of tea in people’s life in different times, and teapot artists reflect the needs of the people of the times to teapots.
In the 1980s, when economic growth was large, the consumption of tea leaves per capita was also high, and it was a time when more tea was consumed than today. It can be said that the way/needs/style/meaning of drinking tea is different from today. I actually have been seeing the changes in these last few decades.

Hole Position of Modern Bizen Kyusu
Regarding Bizen teapot, local artists said that there is no particular regulation for hole position for Bizen Teapots. As shown below, there are many teapots that have hole on the slightly right side of the spout.

Experiment: Water Flow and Direction of Lid Hole

也做了几次测试 第一次对着壶嘴快 第二次放在后面快 第三次基本一样。 可能还需要再控制下倾斜角度 但是放在后面明显出水更加顺畅 不会有突突
私もこれまで数百個の急須の注水状態を確認しましたが、注ぎ口側に穴を合わせて水流がトクトク(ポコポコ) となる場合、穴を反対側にするとほぼスムーズに出ます。
Effect of Right Putting Lid Hole in Right Direction
It is better to put the hole in the original position, when brewing tea or taking a picture of teapot. It will bring visual harmony and calmness in your mind.
It was a story about position of hole on lid of Japanese teapot in the last half century. Hope you enjoyed the story.