Suzu Pottery Artist Stand Up Again – After Three Devastating Earthquakes – Inheritance of SUZUYAKI

Contents 目次
Shinohara Takashi (篠原敬) and Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Donation information is in the last chapter. Your warm support to Suzuyaki and Suzuyaki artist is greatly appreciated.
SHIHA TEAPOT SHOP has been delivered the beautiful works of Suzuyaki Artist Shinohara Takashi to many customers in the world.

A massive Earthquake hit SUZU on January 1st of 2024.
Tragically, Shinohara Takashi’s kiln collapsed due to the earthquake.
The kiln had just been rebuilt from the collapse from the previous earthquake (occured in May 2023).
Shinohara Takashi is rising once again to preserve the tradition of Suzuyaki.

Suzuyaki, originally produced in the place of Suzu City at tip of Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture from the mid-12th to the 15th century. However Suzuyaki suddenly disappeared in the late 15th century. Forgotten for years, it was revived about 40 years ago in 1979 by the effort of pottery artists and researchers of the time. In order to pass on this resurrected Suzuyaki to the next generation, Shinohara is determined to stand up again.
Video of Medieval Suzu ware (YouTube)
Works of Shinohara Takashi / About Suzuyaki (Suzu Ware)
■ What is Suzuyaki? (Shinohara Takashi’s works are listed in this page)
■ Shinohara Takashi Works (Detail photos of each work of Shinohara Takashi’s)
■ Shinohara Takashi Page (Online Shop)

Repeated Earthquakes, Restoration of Kiln 2022-2024
Summary of Damage and Recovery Progress (As of Oct. 2024)
The following chart outlines the progress of restoration efforts since the initial earthquake. Although the kiln remains damaged, Mr. Shinohara continues to persevere with patience and determination. The artists of Suzu ware have not yet returned to their normal daily lives. It is likely that the full recovery of Suzu ware will take some more time. The support and encouragement from everyone will serve as a beacon of hope for them. (As of Oct. 2024)

2022 June 19 (1st Earthquake)
Shinohara Takashi’s kiln was damaged and he took two months to repair the kiln.

2023 May 5 (2nd Earthquake )
His kiln was collapsed and he decided to rebuild the kiln from scratch.
YouTube News Shinohara Takashi Kiln

2023 June – Aug, Reconstruction of the kiln
YouTube News Reconstruction Work

2023 Sep-Nov, Rebuilding of the kiln

2023 Nov, Kiln reconstruction completed

2024 Jan 1 (3rd Earthquake)
A massive earthquake devastated the newly rebuilt kiln.

News Articles on Suzuyaki (Suzu ware) After the 2024 Earthquake
JAPAN TIMES – Noto Peninsula Earthquake
◆ Jan 17, 2024 Suzuyaki artist’s ordeal of standing up three times to protect Suzu pottery, though “I came here with little by little with hope
English Auto Translation Version (Japanese/Original)
◆ Jan 19, 2024 Even for the Third Time, Vow to Rise Again, Suzuyaki Shionohara who had damage in 2022 and 2023
English Auto Translation Version (Japanese/Original)
Shinohara Takashi decided to rise again.

Quotes from the article: 4:25 p.m. The hands of the wall clock in the workshop remained the same as they were immediately after the earthquake. The bricks of the kiln crumbled miserably.
However, “We cannot let Suzu-yaki, which was restored by our predecessors, be lost.” Shinohara Takashi is trying to move the time forward that has stopped by the quake.
◆ Jan 26, 2024 Fighting a Series of Earthquakes, “I’m Motivated”: Kilns and Works Destroyed for the Third Consecutive Year – Traditional Craftsman, Suzu Pottery Artisans
English Auto Translation Version (Japanese/Original)
◆ Jan 29,2024 Suzu Ware Studio “Cannot Quit,” Determined to Rebuild
English Auto Translation Version (Japanese/Orignal)
Summary: Mr. Shinohara’s kiln, which was damaged by the earthquakes of last year and the year before, was rebuilt with the help of volunteers and was scheduled to begin operations again in January 2024.
“After the earthquake, I felt depressed and couldn’t clean the damaged studio. After the last earthquake, I thought about closing the studio, but this time I am thinking, This can’t be the end, we must not let the fire of the Suzuyaki production method die out, and I cannot stop.” he said.
◆ March 1, 2024 Documentary News – After the earthquakes: Shinohara Takashi’s life, studio, thoughts for the present and future
- May 31, 2024: The construction of a temporary workshop for Suzuyaki begins, marking a first step toward recovery. Read more.
- July 21, 2024: A temporary workshop designed by renowned architect Shigeru Ban offers a glimpse of hope for Suzuyaki’s reconstruction. Read more.
- Sep 1, 2024: Traditional industries in Noto, including Suzuyaki, continue to struggle eight months after the earthquake. Recovery remains slow and difficult. Read more.
- Oct 21, 2024: Suzuyaki’s revival begins with the first kiln firing since the disaster, carried out by the artist group “Soenkai” in a shared public kiln. Read more.
Support and Donation for Suzu City and SUZU Pottery Artist
Information on Financial Support and Donations for Suzu Artist Association and Mr. Shinohara Takashi.
Your consideration and warm support to them will be great hope for them.
■ For Suzu Ware Artists’ Association (珠洲焼創炎会 Souenkai)
How to : Direct Bank Transfer
1. Bank Information (From Japan)
北國銀行 (ほっこくぎんこう) 珠洲支店(スズしてん) (普) 28551 名義 能登半島地震義援金 珠洲焼創炎会 (ノトハントウジシンギエンキン スズヤキソウエンカイ) | Name of Bank:THE HOKKOKU BANK,LTD. Name of Branch: Suzu Branch Account Number: 28551 Beneficiary’s Name: ノトハントウジシンギエンキン スズヤキソウエンカイ |
2. Bank Information (From Oversea)
Please refer above “Bank Information (From Japan)” and if you need help for donation, please contact us. We will ask Souenkai.
Name of Bank:THE HOKKOKU BANK,LTD. SWIFT Code: HKOKJPJT Name of Branch: Suzu Branch Account Number: Beneficiary’s Name: Beneficiary’s Address: |
■ For Mr.Shinohara Takashi
How to : Direct Bank Transfer
1. Bank Information (From Japan)
北陸銀行 珠洲支店(スズしてん) (普) 4076402 名義 篠原敬(シノハラ タカシ) | Name of Bank:The Hokuriku Bank, Ltd. Name of Branch: Suzu Branch Account Number: 4076402 Beneficiary’s Name: Shinohara Takashi |
2. Bank Information (From Oversea)
Name of Bank:The Hokuriku Bank, Ltd. SWIFT Code: RIKBJPJT Name of Branch: Suzu Branch Account Number: 324-4076402 Beneficiary’s Name: Shinohara Takashi Beneficiary’s Address: 41-2 SUTTA WAKAYAMA-MACHI SUZU-SHI ISHIKAWA 927-1233 JAPAN |
Thank you very much for your support and interest.