3 Ways | How to Hold Handle & Lid When Poring Tea | Japanese Kyusu Teapot

Hello This is Shiha Tea & Comfort, Teapot Shop in Tokyo. Today we tell you how to hold (grip) Japanese side handle teapot.
Holding Teapot – Standard Way
Hold a handle of teapot with right hand and hold lid with left hand as seen picture below.
Left hand fingers should be put together and place it on lid (lid knob) lightly and naturally.

Pay attention your left thumb is close to your right thumb (or left one on/over right one) This way look elegant.

A kid in brewing Tea, holding the lid .

Holding Teapot – One Hand Brewing
One hand brewing:
Grip a teapot handle with right hand and place the thumb on lid.
This way is also often seen especially when teapot is small, when poring quickly (speedy) and men seems to prefer this way.

If handle is short and the edge of wider, the following way is seen as well.

Find Your Own Style
Let me introduce my friend’s poring style.
He is a martial artist. His way of move is like seeing martial art.
One hand brewing but also with left hand supporting the body of the teapot. The spout is facing him.
It was interesting way. It is good to have your own style.

Tea in daily life is to relax yourself and please your loved one. You can find your own conformable style, too.
Thank you very much for reading!