Japanese Pottery Seminar (Suzuyaki) 日本陶磁器+日本の地方茶文化 勉強会 篠原敬氏による珠洲焼(すずやき)セミナー

Hello!We are Shiha Tea Comfort, Teapot Shop in Tokyo.
We held a Japanese Pottery Seminar (study session) inviting Mr. Takashi Shinohara, a traditional art craft artist of SUZU ware from Ishikawa Prefecture as a guide. Chinese people living in Tokyo who are interested in Japanese tea participated.
こんにちは。Shiha Tea & Comfortです。
石川県の伝統工芸士 篠原敬さんがお越しくださり珠洲焼の勉強会を開催しました。日本の陶磁器とお茶に興味がある日本在住の中国人の方にご参加いただきました。

We talked about characteristics of Suzu ware by comparing other Japanese pottery and porcelain. Suzu-ware pots fired in a wood-fired kiln, the taste is completely different from other porcelain pots. It seemed to be a very fresh and new experience for the participants to know the kiln and natural glaze.

We served local tea and sweets from Ishiakawa prefecture. Food(tea and sweet) culture and custom are different in each places of Japan. There is very little chance to experience those unless you go there and become guests of someone. So it is very good chance to experience local custom about tea in the seminar.

After the seminar, participants said they were impressed the story that Mr. Shinohara told. And they would like to learn more about Japanese pottery. I saw that this seminar brought something new & fun to them. Seminar Schedule is posted in FB Page. Please follow us. Thank you