Life Style with Suzu-Yaki Teapot Teacup Flower Vase in overseas countries /珠洲焼ライフスタイル 海外からのメッセージ

Hello, We are SHIHA TEAPOT SHOP. Overseas customer who purchased Suzu-yaki at our shop sent us their impressions and photos of lifestyle. (Takashi Shinohara Works )
Contents 目次
- Suzu-yaki Fans’ Messages 珠洲焼の魅力 器がもたらす喜び
- Overall Impression of Suzu-yaki 珠洲焼の印象
- SUZU-yaki Impression From China1 (中国1)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From China2 (中国2)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From China3 (中国3)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From China4 (中国4)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Finland (フィンランド)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Switzerland (スイス)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Germany1 (ドイツ1)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Germany2 (ドイツ2)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Germany3 (ドイツ3)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Russia (ロシア)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Hong Kong1 (香港1)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Hong Kong2 (香港2)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Spain1 (スペイン1)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Spain2 (スペイン2)
- SUZU-yaki Impression From Singapore (シンガポール)
Suzu-yaki Fans’ Messages 珠洲焼の魅力 器がもたらす喜び
Oversea customers are attracted to the Unglazed Black Japanese Ware, which is not found in other production areas in Japan. They are used as tea ware and flower vase for peace of mind and joy in their daily lives. They sent us messages about the joy that Suzu-yaki bring them. We have also received messages about how Suzu-yaki changes the taste of tea.
Overall Impression of Suzu-yaki 珠洲焼の印象
We feel that many of customers talk about the naturalness and unique beauty of Suzu ware (works by Takashi Shinohara).
SUZU-yaki Impression From China1 (中国1)

SUZU-yaki Impression From China2 (中国2)

SUZU-yaki Impression From China3 (中国3)
四川省のお客様が、 当店がお届けした日本の茶器で、テーブルをコーディネートしてくれました。詳しい内容はこちらのブログをご覧ください。
A customer in Sichuan in China beautifully coordinate Japanese tea ware which Shiha Teapot Shop delivered. Details are in this blog.

SUZU-yaki Impression From China4 (中国4)
Customer in Xinjiang loves the Suzu Yaki pithcer and has been using it for five years. He evaluated that the more you use it, the better it will be, get moistened feels and has nice glow.

📖中国 新疆ウイグル自治区 に届いた 珠洲焼(すずやき)Suzu Yaki Pottery in Xinjiang China(blog in 2016)
SUZU-yaki Impression From Finland (フィンランド)
原文:The work of SHINOHARA TAKASHI 篠原敬 has a timeless and harmonious feel to it, simultaneously gentle and solid, with an unmistakable spirit. I feel there is a strong nature-connection, both inner and outer. Suzu yaki has a peaceful character, which I have found to be a good match for Anhua Fu Brick tea among others. When brewed in this kyusu, the tea feels very soft and pure. Thank you.
日本語訳: 篠原敬さんの作品には、紛れもない精神があり、タイムレス、ハーモニアス、そして同時に、やさしく、揺るぎがありません。佇まい、そして内にあるものに強い自然とのつながりを感じます。珠洲焼の急須は穏やかさがあり、私のお茶の中で安化伏磚茶(フーれんが茶)との相性が良いことが分かりました。この急須を使うと、お茶が柔らかくピュアに感じられます。

フィンランドのお客様は、お茶のことをもう少し詳しく教えてくれました。珠洲焼とお茶のブログに紹介しています。「How good? Brew Tea with Suzu-Yaki Teapot Teacup. Customer Review from the World. 珠洲焼(すずやき)の茶器と中国茶 日本茶 お茶の味 世界各国からのレポ-ト」

SUZU-yaki Impression From Switzerland (スイス)

原文:The water pitcher is absolutely wonderful. We feel that Mr. Shinohara poured his heart and his soul in making such an object. I like to hold it in my hand because I feel that it is made for my hand. It fits perfectly in my hand. The soft touch of the surface is very delicate. I enjoy the light shine and the various colors in the sunlight. The dark color catches the light and shines in a very gentle way. This water pitcher will bring me joy, warmth and peace every time I use it!
日本語訳:このピッチャーは本当に素晴らしいです。 篠原さんが心と魂を注ぎ、このようなオブジェを作っていると感じます。私の手のために作られているような気がして、この器を持つことが好きです。 私の手に完全にフィットします。 表面の柔らかな手触りはとても繊細です。太陽の下で輝く光とさまざまな色を楽しんでいます。 器のダークな色が光を捉え、そしてとても優しく輝きます。 このピッチャーは使うたびに喜び、暖かさ、そして安らぎをもたらします!

SUZU-yaki Impression From Germany1 (ドイツ1)

日本語訳:黒、グレー、アッシュ それらの色が控えめでピュア…。ですが自然釉があることで、とてもユニークでエキサイティングになっています。土と自然釉の色彩がパーフェクトに調和しています。
SUZU-yaki Impression From Germany2 (ドイツ2)

SUZU-yaki Impression From Germany3 (ドイツ3)
原文:I just couldn’t resist the beauty. I thought about the cup a lot and I just had to buy it. The natural, simple beauty, the moss-like glazing from the pine ash on the black surface was just too stunning. I love the withered architecture of old Shinto and Buddhist temples in Japan, the old woodwork, the moss in the forests and on the graves leading to Okunoin on Koyasan. This great Suzu Yaki cup, created by SHINOHARA TAKASHI 篠原敬 reminds me of the mystic, withered natural beauty of the old Japan. The cup is quite heavy, but extremely handy and nice to hold. It gets warm the exact moment you pour tea in it. Simply amazing.

SUZU-yaki Impression From Russia (ロシア)
ロシアの方は珠洲焼の器 篠原敬さん作を茶杯として使われています。急須は常滑焼 前川淳蔵さんの作品です。

中国の白茶 (白牡丹)を淹れるそうです。珠洲焼を使っての感想は、 How good? Brew Tea with Suzu-Yaki Teapot Teacup. Customer Review from the World. 珠洲焼茶器(すずやき)がもたらすお茶の味 世界各国からのレポ-ト をご覧ください。
SUZU-yaki Impression From Hong Kong1 (香港1)
原文:Since I received Mr. Shinohara’s works a few weeks ago, I have kept thinking why his works are appealing in a gentle yet longstanding way. To me, each of them is unique as each of them has a voice of the nature.

SHINOHRA TAKASHI Suzu-Yaki Black Pottery Japan Customer Review 香港より、日本の黒いやきもの 珠洲焼 (すずやき)への感想メッセージ
SUZU-yaki Impression From Hong Kong2 (香港2)
原文:Good Teaware Produces Good Tea. I have used Mr. Shinohara’s teapot for brewing Taiwanese highland oolong lately, and each time I enjoy the tea with Mr. Shinohara’s cup too. As usual, the flavor of the tea has been well represented and even slightly enriched. Also, holding the tea-ware with rock-like and rough texture adds more fun and pleasure to my drinking, all is nice experience indeed.

SUZU-yaki Impression From Spain1 (スペイン1)
An artist in Spain brewed tea with the teapot (Yokei Mizuno’s) and cups (Takashi Shinohara’s) for the first time and describe the moment as below.
原文:”The perfection and elegance of Yokei Mizuno, the magic and silence of Shinohara Takashi. Blackbirds and turtle doves sing from the trees”.

SUZU-yaki Impression From Spain2 (スペイン2)

SUZU-yaki Impression From Singapore (シンガポール)

For more information on the taste of Suzu ware and tea, please see the blog below.

📖心を養う器 石川県珠洲焼(すずやき) 篠原敬さんの茶杯 中国のお客様の感想
📖日本陶磁器+日本の地方茶文化勉強会 篠原敬氏珠洲焼(すずやき)セミナー
📖陶磁器交流会セミナー 珠洲焼 篠原敬氏 石川県文化、茶、お菓子の話